MDNTV: News by You, For You
Aug. 11, 2023

From Businessman to Presidential Candidate: Dr. Rollan Roberts II Embarks on a Historic Journey

From Businessman to Presidential Candidate: Dr. Rollan Roberts II Embarks on a Historic Journey

Reckoning has arrived on the political horizon as everything America understood about leadership stands poised for redefinition. Dr. Rollan Roberts II, an American businessman of repute and a government advisor with unparalleled experience, has emerged as a contender in the 2024 Republican Presidential race.


Educated at Liberty University and California InterContinental University, Rollan's journey is relatable and inspiring. He worked laboriously to support his college education, eventually graduating with a Master of Business Administration and a Doctorate in Business Administration. Married to his supportive partner, Rebecca Lea Roberts, the light of their life is their son, Rollan III, and two daughters from a previous marriage enrich this family story with diverse experiences.


Dr. Roberts is not your typical businessman turned politician. His professional experience encompasses leading businesses of various scales and extending a hand to budding entrepreneurs worldwide. Entrepreneurship, for Rollan, is a force that does not discriminate and stands as the earth's single, greatest economic engine.


Rollan's political acumen is defined by the many diplomatic roles he juggled over the years. Rollan's work with former Congresspeople and Ambassadors in South Sudan, helping to stabilize the nation's government, offers a glimpse of his skills as a change agent. He has been an advisor to national governments, working on critical issues spanning national security, diplomacy, education, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability, such as clean water, wastewater management, and waste-to-energy.


A strong advocate for Africa's transformation, Dr. Roberts dedicated tremendous effort towards tackling chronic issues plaguing the continent. From clean water access to business education, literacy, and food security, Dr. Roberts has been instrumental in accelerating Africa's evolution in the economic, technological, educational, social welfare, and healthcare sectors.


The vision of America personified by Dr. Roberts is beyond politics as we know it - it's America 2.0. He imagines an America capable of leading the 22nd century, an idea conceived amidst his transformative work in Africa. The political discourse in the USA, according to Rollan, fails to address the cracks that threaten its world leadership position.


Dr. Roberts' prolific work is mirrored in his many accolades and opportunities addressed to him. His voice echoed through the corridors of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing speaking on trade relations and intellectual property theft in 2017, and the Bloomberg’s 2017 Year Ahead Conference in Shanghai. Rollan also served on the DoD Central Command Task Force and helped forge international relations as Peace Ambassador to Nations from the International College of Peace Studies.


Today, guided by the Almighty God's grace, Dr. Rollan Roberts II seeks to serve every American in the most significant capacity. As the next President of the United States, he is set on leading the great nation genuinely addressing domestic and global issues and steering America into a prime position to spearhead the 22nd century.
